Apex Legends Specs Requirements
. Check the Mirrors Edge system requirements. Legendary Characters Explore a growing roster of powerful Legends each with their own unique personality strengths and abilities.System requirements Lab runs millions of PC requirements tests on. Show em what youre made of in Apex Legends a free-to-play hero shooter where contenders from across the Frontier team up to battle for glory fame and fortune. Upgrade 32-bit to 64-bit OS Apex Legends can run properly on Windows 7 and other advanced versions of Windows but each of them should be 64-bit.
While players with the minimum specifications will be able to play Apex Legends just fine those looking to get the best possible experience will want to ensure they meet our recommended specs for smooth 60fps gameplay.
Legendary Characters Explore a growing roster of powerful Legends each with their own unique personality strengths and abilities. Even if you have met Apex Legends minimum specs you can also refer to the instructions below to achieve Apex Legends recommended specs. Intel i5 3570K or equivalent. APEX LEGENDS RECOMMENDED SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS.