Black Transparent Color Code Hex
. Lightness is defined in percentages from 0 black to 100 white. The color can be entered as a name blue hex or RGB code 0000FF or RGB0 0 255 or selected via the attached color palette in options.Maximal value 255 dec FF hex means fully opaque. Use the color picker tool in the options to select the color that you want to make transparent then adjust the matching threshold value. The color is mixed with the background color.
Keep in mind that youll need to visit your videos player settings to adjust the color of the text and play bar within the player.
A may also include an alpha-channel transparency value indicating how the color should composite with its background. CMYK cyan magenta yellow black Use. The darken function decreases lightness by a fixed amount which is often not the desired effect. The IE8 and earlier use filteralphaopacityx.