. The target image format can be JPG PNG TIFF GIF HEIC BMP PS PSD WEBP TGA DDS EXR J2K PNM or SVG etc. The CDR file is a ZIP-compressed directory of several files including XML-files and the RIFF-structured riffdatacdr with the familiar version signature in versions X4 CDREvrsn and X5 CDRFvrsn and a rootdat with Corel Draw X6 where the bytes 9 to 15 look slightly different.
Select PDF as the the format you want to convert your PSD file to. PSD can store an image along with a complex array of its corresponding layers vector paths objects filters and more all in one file. This is the default format for Photoshop files - this would be the best program to use to open PSD files.
Choose the PSD file that you want to convert.
Select PDF as the the format you want to convert your PSD file to. PSD allows a user to make surgical edits on individual components of an image or a graphic design while retaining the files information in. Choose the PSD file that you want to convert. Click Convert to convert your PSD file.