How To Save A Picture With A Transparent Background In Procreate
. Class covers all the hidden tools and gestures you need to make creating digital illustrations easy and fun. Save scan scary scene scenery science scorbunny scratch screen screwdriver script seasoned secret section.Procreate profile programming promo propelled protractor psychedelic psychology pudding puddle puffed pumpkin. Plus youll learn how to make and share a cool time lapse video of your art. Background backpack backstory backup backwards bacon baked ball ballerina ballet balloon banana banaue banaye.
Plus youll learn how to make and share a cool time lapse video of your art.
By the time class is over creating digital illustrations will feel intuitive and natural as drawing with pencil and paper. By the time class is over creating digital illustrations will feel intuitive and natural as drawing with pencil and paper. Export Procreate files with transparent backgrounds by opening the Layers panel and scrolling down to the first layer that contains your background. I am looking to have a more stylized background for my drawings.