Python Pil Pdf To Png
. Heavily based on some django snippet I found while building RGBA - JPG BG support for sorl thumbnails. From PIL import Image import numpy as np img Imageopendata_mask_1354_2030png background Imageopenbackground_1354_2030png backgroundpasteimg 0 0 img.Converting PDF to Image. To overlay two images in python a solution is to use the pillow function paste example. Very basic it will grab one screen shot by monitor or a screen shot of all monitors and save it to a PNG file.
From PIL import Image png Imageopenobjectlogopath pngload required for pngsplit background ImagenewRGB pngsize 255 255 255 backgroundpastepng.
Python-tesseract is a wrapper for Googles Tesseract-OCR Engine. Now you can use a subprocessrun to run this from python. The libraries that I used for developing this solution were pdf2image for converting PDF to images OpenCV for Image pre-processing and finally PyTesseract for OCR along with Python. Fromfile input_path result remove f.